How to put more oomph in your Mondays.
October 1, 2019Prepping your books for year end
November 19, 2019
We had the great privilege of interviewing Kim Bullock-Hennix! Lifestyle and Abundance Coach Kim Bullock-Hennix delivers an electrifying experience like no other. She penetrates the heart and soul of her audience on a cellular level. Kim is devoted to speaking, teaching and reaching the masses by transforming lives one day at a time. Coach Kim shares the power of investing in yourself with the tools you need to thrive successfully in spiritual, emotional, mental and financial lifestyle abundance. Kim is a highly requested, results driven Abundance Mindset Expert! She wrote a blog post for us below on transforming your mind for success.
Transforming your mind is a process that is a daily effort. As you become more aware of how you can Change your entire life with the power of your words you will begin to view your future differently. We all have the same 24 hours. How we choose to use those 24 hours will ultimately determine how far we go in life. Are you wasting time looking at gossip TV shows or reading gossip columns daily? Do you take the time out to fully analyze what you can do to change the course of your destiny? When you are pouring into your life prosperity thinking, abundance opportunities, and positive strategies this is when you will begin to manifest at great levels of success. You must expect miracles to receive miracles.
Keeping an elevated mindset and continuously putting forth an effort to live a bodacious life will reap beautiful fruits. Change is also a major factor to transforming one’s mind. Make personal development a priority for yourself. It deeply saddens me when I see that people do not take personal development seriously. Having the proper balance of both professional and personal development is extremely important to live and abundant lifestyle. Abundance is having a full 360-degree experience of life and it’s blessings. Learn to meditate in your morning routine and visualize the best version of yourself. Focus on how you can allow abundance and prosperity to flow into your life with ease. Become a magnet for miracles and focus on your long-term vision. Then finally turn failures into lessons and not regrets. Understand and know that we fell forward to success do not beat yourself up if you are not where you want to be in life. Remember, it’s not where you start it’s where you finish.
About Author Kim Bullock-Hennix

Coach Kim enjoys serving women to achieve greatness with her uniquely designed Diamond & Platinum Coaching Packages, Enriching online Group Programs, and Phenomenal Women Empowerment Seminars. She is the Founder of the Ambitious Women Movement and Leader in her Ambitious Women Facebook Group with over 4600 members that she inspires. Kim has a global influence of more than 40K followers on her Facebook Business Page and over 18K on Instagram. Kim lives in Las Vegas with her husband and has 3 extraordinary children.