I’m sure you’ve heard the words “I run this company/family/ship!” or something similar. Certainly, it is easy to fall into the Tunnel Vision of only seeing our part in the big picture because that is the only thing we have control over.
I’ve fallen victim to this myself, believing my piece is holding the whole picture together and without it all would be lost. However, the truth is, no matter the relationship we all contribute to the big picture. Meanwhile, at work we have a common goal – to serve our client base well. Consequently, you take away any one individual and there is going to be a gap in your ability to accomplish the big goal.
Teamwork is not just orchestrating the big picture, but also seeing your individual part in that picture. How can you do the best in your given responsibilities to accomplish the broader goal. This is true whether you are speaking of auditing services or the NBA.
Back in the 90’s when I watched basketball, the Utah Jazz had an incredible pair of players. John Stockton stills leads the NBA in all time assists and Karl Malone is 2nd on the leaderboard for points. Who’s part was more vital? Who was running this team? Stockton? Malone? Coach Jerry Sloan? You can’t pick and roll without a team, a coach, and someone to pick while you roll.
See the value you add to your team where you are. What contribution do you make to the bigger picture? Could Stockton and Malone do what they did without the other 3 players on the court? That seems unlikely. Don’t lose sight in how big or small a person’s part is. The statement shouldn’t be “I run this team.” Instead, saying “I do my part” acknowledges what you do without attributing the entire success of the team to you.