I recently attended a training for our HR Software and there were some points said that I thought would be great for this blog. So here are a few highlights you can take home about better hiring tips and tricks:
1. if you hire the smartest person you know, you are not necessarily hiring the best person for the job – you need to look for skills of the particular job you are hiring for
2. write thoughtful job descriptions – these can help you hire the right fit that the particular situation calls for
3. don’t just hire your friends, you’ll miss a lot of good people that way; it’ll take longer, but hiring for the skills you’re looking for vs just hiring a referral means you’ll have a better outcome
4. be intentional about communication with your team both before and after you hire, so they know who and why you’re hiring, this helps make the team more cohesive as they start to work together
5. be intentional and thoughtful about all communication
Enjoy your next round of hiring, hopefully these hiring tips and tricks help your next hire go even better.